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We Are Ports Donation To New Sprinkler System

Updated: Aug 5, 2020

We Are Ports are aware of the ongoing investment the Club have been overseeing on the Shamrock Park pitch, in partnership with Haffey's and club Groundsman Jack Moffett.

However, these efforts have been hampered by the ability to sufficiently water the pitch surface. As a result, we are delighted to announce the We Are Ports members have agreed to contribute 50% to the total cost of a new sprinkler system.  

PFC Groundsman Jack Moffett had the following to say on the new system;

"During these drier months, where this is basically no rain, pitches start to burn and ours is no exception.  Currently I am spending 4-5 hours per day simply standing with a hose trying to get as much water as possible to the pitch surface.  With working full time in my sales role at Haffey's it simply isn't possible, and during the current pandemic other volunteers aren't allowed in the ground.

The travelling sprinkler is hooked up to a storage tank and then a pump provides a high pressure of water.  It sprays a radius of 40m meaning the whole pitch can be watered thoroughly in just a few hours.  

This isn't something just for a few weeks a year.  The sprinkler can be used before games to dampen the surface which will make it play quicker, something that our manager is very keen on.  It also allows us to water the surface before each international we host which has been a requirement in the past.

The sprinkler will be a fixture at the club for years to come and another major step forward in our pitch management."

We Are Ports wish to put on record our thanks to the board and Jack Moffett for all their hard work, to ensure that when play resumes, the team have a pitch to be proud of. #WeArePorts #HaveYourVoiceHeard #SupportYourClub

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